Really happy with the latest short promo videos I shot for Flare Audio and their range of ISOLATE® MiNi ear defenders! Such an epic crew who pulled together so much in such a short period of time! Really enjoyed working with the ARRI Alexa Mini on this job and it’s the first time I’ve used the new MōVI Pro and mimic too, the entire system worked perfectly with the RED Cine Primes we used from Besq! Thanks so much MediaDog Hire Birmingham for helping us out with all of the kit and Jonny Rhodes for helping on prep day! Lewis Morgan as always killing it on sharps too and making sure the camera build was always tight! Thank you man!
Director: Raj Pathak
DP: Louis Vella
Assoc. Producer/1st AD: Lauren Taverner
1st AC: Lewis Morgan
Writer: Tom Lashley
Sound Design: Nick Dixon
Makeup: Emma Louise Berry
BTS Stills (the images on this page): Szymon Nieborak
Camera: ARRI Alexa Mini
Lenses: RED Pro Primes